Sunday, August 19, 2018

How to Disable Startup Programs in Windows 7 and 10

How to Disable Startup Programs in Windows 7 and 10
Lots of Startup Programs in Window PC slow down computer performance. In this post, we tell you how can you increase your computer speed from disabling these startup programs in Window 7 and Window 10.

What is Startup Programs in Window?
Startup programs run automatically when Windows boots up. They start every time whenever you start your window PC.
Now you know what is startup programs. Disabling these programs surely increase your computer speed and performance. If you want more tips for speed up your window PC read our article on this topic.
 How to Speed up a Slow Computer

How to Disable Unknown Startup Programs in Windows 7 and 10

How to Disable Unknown Startup Programs in Windows 7 

1 Press Window + R button and type msconfig in the box.
2. Now you see a dialog box appears in your screen with a list off all startup programs. Deselect the programs that you want to disable in the startup. Or you can disable all and click on apply button.

Disable Startup Programs in Window 10

  • Like below screenshot Right Click on the taskbar and select Task Manager.
  • In Task Manage choose Startup Tab and you see you all window startup programs.
  • Select Programs and choose the disabled button for disabling startup programs in Window 10.

Disable Startup Programs in Window 7, 8 and 10 from third party software – CCleaner

Download CCleaner from its official website install in your system. CCleaner also increases your system performance from many tasks.
Like below screenshot go to Tools section and select Startup option. Now you see your all Startup window Programs with all details. Disable the programs that you don’t in the startup.

    For Disabling Startup Programs in Android Mobile see below guide and like above this trick also increase your android mobile performance.


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